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Tourist Guide


29 Dec 2022

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During the Hindu-Buddhist period, the area became the place to built sacred buildings in the form of temples. This can happen because, one of the basis for choosing a temple construction site is that the supporting land of the temple fills in the criteria contained in the temple establishment guidelines, for example, the land is fertile. Another criterion is that it is close to water sources, such as Sukuh Temple flanked by Parang Ijo River in the north and Jumog River in the south, Planggatan Temple which is located near Sungai Jublek, and Cetha Temple which has a water source on the upper slope of the temple which is often referred to by the name Sendang Mundi Sari.

Buildings to worship the gods often referred to as temples, at the time of Hindu-Buddhist influence, the basic form was a central point embodied with a certain symbol or building. The building is influenced by Indians and depicts a mountain that is the abode of the gods. Temples with basic forms such as the has mentioned above were generally built around the IX-X AD although it doesn't rule out the possibility that the next century will still be built and functioned, for example the Sewu Temple Complex in the Prambanan Area. Over time the shape of the temple building has changed. The temple, which was originally in the form of a central point, later developed with a centering building pattern, and became a building with courtyard terraces with the most sacred place located in the uppermost or back yard. This pattern reminds of the building of the Prehistoric period, namely Punden Berundak.

Some scholars argue that buildings from the Megalithic culture have merged into Hindu-Buddhist architecture, art, and statues. This fact is found in temples built around the Western Slope of Mount Lawu, although the temple is still used as a center for ritual activities, but there is a slight difference from other temples built in the past. Especially in Sukuh and Cetha Temples, it is clear that the reliefs that are centered are related to the ceremony of release or liberation of a person from negative energy (lawa: Rawatan).

Sukuh, Planggatan, and Cetha temples are examples of the continuity of local cultural concepts or potentials from the time before the arrival of Hindu-Buddhist influences and the end of these influences.