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23 Dec 2016

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Boyolali - PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) as a State Owned Enterprise that manages airports certainly has an important role in improving the image of a region. The existence of airports as a gateway for foreign tourists and domestic tourists is certainly very influential in the development of the tourism sector.

Central Java is famous for culture and tourism which has a lot of wealth that can be explored and developed. Natural, historical tourism, culture and culinary delights are in all corners of the Central Java region, especially in the ex-residency of Surakarta. The Kasunanan Palace and Mangkunegaran Palace which are still standing majestically that historical and cultural that is very close to the Solo City.

As real way in supporting of culture and tourism that in PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) that place the golden carriage as an icon of Adi Sutjipto Airport before, now at Adi Soemarmo Airport also has the Kencana Train as a new icon at the airport. Apart from the distance between the two airports, PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) which is not far away, these two airports also have almost the same historical characteristics and cultural values.

Danang Baskoro, as the President Director of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) said that "Angkasa Pura I always pays special attention to regional development. The existence of an airport as a gateway for tourists is certainly very influential in the development of a region's tourism sector. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Sumarmo Airport Branch plays a role in developing the potentials that exist in Central Java Province, especially Solo City".

"As a form of our commitment to provide maximum service and comfort in order to support the preservation of culture and tourism in Solo, we are presenting the Kencana Train to become the icon of Adi Sumarmo Airport. The Kencana Train is a symbol that Adi Sumarmo Airport is in the former Karisidenan Surakarta area, so it carries a replica of the Kencana Train belonging to Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran," he added.

The placement of the Kencana Train replica as an airport icon received good appreciation from the Kasunanan Surakarta Palace and Mangkunegaran Palace. Furthermore, the replicas of the two golden trains were placed in the departure lobby at Adi Soemarmo Airport.