18 Aug 2014
kembali ke listSunday, August 17 2014 07.30 a.m. located at the branch office yard of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Soemarmo Airport, Surakarta, all employees carry out a Flag Ceremony in commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day. In this Flag Ceremony, Abdullah Usman as General Manager act directly as ceremonial builder. The theme of the 2014 commemoration ceremony for the 69th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia is With the Spirit of the Proclamation of August 17 1945, We are support the National Leadership Session of the 2014 Election Results for the Continuation of Development Towards a More Advanced and Prosperous Indonesia.
In speech word of Mr. Tommy Soetomo as President Director PT. Angkasa Pura I, that reading by the ceremonial builder, it was explained that one of the noble tasks in front of the employees of the Angkasa Pura Airport is to make the company’s 2014 work road map a success, namely “Optimizing Business Potential in Way Full”. “We believe that by optimizing existing business potentials, we can develop into a world-class airport management company. The essence of this program is to improve services to airport service users, increase revenue from non-aeronautical businesses and preserve the environment, optimize implementation of services excellence, operation excellence, world-class ICT & management systems, optimizing revenue from all airports and subsidiaries, and implementing the concept of Eco-Airport and Green Corporation ". Mr. Tommy Soetomo closed his speech by reminding and inviting all employees of PT Angkasa Pura Airports to work harder, smarter, and based on a determination to always provide the best service to service users, in accordance with the spirit of "Serving Glory".