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12 May 2014

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Solo, May 12 2014 PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is committed to implementing Good Corporate Governance consistently, one of which is through the implementation of the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is a set of commitments consisting of Business Ethics and Work Ethics designed to influence, shape, regulate and conform behavior so that outputs are achieved in accordance with the Corporate Culture in achieving its vision and mission.

To be able to understand and implementing Good Corporate Governance for every human Angkasa Pura Airport are be held Socialization of the Code of Conduct at Branch Office Angkasa Pura Airport Adi Soemarmo Airport that delivered by Chief Corporate Secretary, Farid Indra Nugraha, on Monday, May 12 2014. This socialization was attended by General Manager of Angkasa Pura Airport Adi Soemarmo Airport, Abdullah Usman and all employees Branch Office Angkasa Pura Airport Adi Soemarmo Airport.

With the Socialization of the Code of Conduct, it is hoped that it will provide clarity of actions that must be taken and obeyed in accordance with the corporate values that have been built by employees which will enhance the company's image and value (corporate value and image).