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23 Oct 2014

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Boyolali, October 23, 2014. Adi Soemarmo Airport held a fire simulation activity for the airport terminal building on Wednesday, October 22 2014. This activity is one of the activities that test the readiness of Adi Soemarmo Airport personnels, which are Aviation Security officers and PKP-PK in handle fire hazards in the terminal building. In addition, it also tested several related units including the SMS unit on how to coordinate with internal and external parties which had to be done quickly and precisely.

This activity was carried out and dismissed with enthusiasm by all work partners and the entire airport community because it was also a form of service to them in an emergency situation like this. Praise was spoken from Yaka Sulistya as the Operation Department Head because this activity went well and was carried out as well as possible by Aviation Security and PKP-PK officers. Even though it is only a simulation, it is hoped that this activity will provide provisions for the entire airport community to understand what to do first in an emergency situation.