27 Feb 2019
kembali ke listBoyolali. Located on the courtyard of the Angkasa Pura I office, Adi Soemarmo Airport is celebrating Angkasa Pura I's 55th birthday today Sunday (24/2).
This activity was attending by all employees, Subsidiaries, Himpura and several agencies in the Airport Environment was very lively. On this occasion Eko Setiawan as the Head of the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises in the field of policy, social & environmental responsibility of the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises, to be present at the peak of the 55th Anniversary of Angkasa Pura I celebration at Adi Soemarmo airport, as well as watched the provision of school supplies as many as 100 students to 5 elementary schools there are in 5 villages around the airport.
Starting with the cutting of tumpeng by the General Manager and given to employees who have a working period of 27 years 5 months, that is Sugeng Sarwo W & cleaning staff who have been involved in maintaining the cleanliness of the office environment for more than 20 years, namely Wage. The event continued with a fashion show competition for traditional Nusantara clothes between departments, entertainment for the comedy music group Pecasndahe and dangdut OM Zelinda with guest star Yovita KDI .
At the end of the event was celebrating with the distribution of doorprizes, with the main door prize a motorcycle was obtained by Mr. Yosef from Himpura of Solo.