Boyolali, August 21 2014. To prepare the 2014 hajj flight, Facililate team are held coordination meetings on August 20 2014 at Administration Building Meeting Room branch office PT. Angkasa Pura I who discussed about the readiness of the parties concerned to remember the pilgrimage flights are international flight and flight regulations apply (Airlines, Crew, Passengers, Baggage and Document) that should be guaranteed safety. The readiness for the implementation of hajj transport includes coordination and communication with CIQ (Custom, Immigration, and Quarantine) in accordance with international aviation regulations Annex 9 about Facilitation and national KP regulations 19 of 2013 concerning Facilitation must be implemented properly.
The Coordination Meeting was attended by Bona Manurung as the Chairperson of Central Java Province Facilitation, Operation Department Head of Adi Soemarmo Airport, Mr. Tri Joko Wahyuono as Deputy Chair of Facilitation and representatives from Adi Soemarmo Air Base, Garuda Indonesia, Gapura, Air Transat, Base Ops, Customs, PPIH , Immigration, KKP, Police, DDPU Airport, Aerotrans, Aeroprima and Dishus Surakarta. All related parties stated that they would support the entire process that took place so that this 2014 Hajj flight could run smoothly and without significant obstacles.