06 May 2021
kembali ke listBoyolali – The first day of the implementation of the elimination of the homecoming that is valid from 6-17 May 2021 already visible at Adi Soemarmo Airport. Terminal of Adi Soemarmo Airport was quiet there are no passengers, because in this day (5/6) there are no Airlines that arriving or derparting at Adi Soemarmo Airport.
“ The first day of the deletion homecoming, there are no flight at Adi Soemarmo Airport. During May 6-17 later 5 days there are no flight from and go to Solo, that are on May 6, 10, 13, 14 and 17,” said Yani Ajat Hermawan as General Manager Adi Soemarmo Airport.
Yani said that with there are no Airlines on these dates, automatically the number of passengers at Adi Soemarmo Airport has experienced a drastic decline.
“Existentially decline the passengers from April until May 5 has a decreased of 10%,” said Yani Ajat.
However, Airlines has operating since the deletion of homecoming also Garuda and Citilink with Cengkareng – Solo – Cengkareng route and plan also once a day flight. According to the regulations of all passenger candidates are the passengers have special interest, visiting sick person, non-homecoming passengers with bring in and out permit documents. If not from the agency, a permit from the Urban Village and from a superior, also brought a Covid-19 Negative documents.
In addition to reducing operating hours from the previous nine hours operating from 08:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m. to eight operating hours from 09:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m., his part will also reduce officer during no flight. For front liner officers still stanby and alert as AMC, Airport Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) and the Tower (Airnav).
During on deletion of homecoming, Airport still establishing an integrated post whose function is to coordinate with with the Covid 19 Task Force. Also in online the integrated post continues to coordinate with the Ministry of Transportation. The agencies involved in the integrated post are from the Airport, Task Force, Indonesian Air Force, the Port Quarantine Office (KKP) and the Police.